Friday, September 18, 2009

Evaluating the Bang of Bing

Arketi Group Creative Director, Rory Carlton, examines the premise of the recently launch Microsoft Bing campaign and assesses its effectiveness in converting loyal Google-ites.

Read the full article as featured in DMNews.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Twitter Tips with the Doctor

Arketi recently spoke with University of Georgia professor, Dr. Kaye Sweetser, APR, after her PRSA GA September pre-luncheon seminar titled "Creating Your Social Media Playbook: A Pre-Season Training Camp."

Dr. Sweetser emphasized the importance of understanding the fundamentals of social media engagement and provided specific tips, tricks and tactics to consider when developing a social media strategy.

In addition to detailing components of an effective organizational Twitter account , Dr. Sweetser delved into Twitter best practices such as always providing a call-to-action, leaving space to be re-tweeted and using please & thank you.

To see more video on Arketi Group TV, visit

Friday, September 04, 2009

Social Media Goes Brown

The PRSAGA September Luncheon featured an informative panel comprised of two public relations managers from UPS. Lynnette McIntire and Debbie Curtis-Magley provided insight into strategies employed by UPS when faced with a massive viral threat from a competitor.

In an attempt to dispel the rumors and protect its reputation, UPS engaged proactively with a variety of social media channels to mitigate the misinformation.

Moderated by Dr. Kaye Sweetser (University of Georgia), panelists stressed the importance of proactive brand awareness and specifically highlighted social media monitoring tools as a valuable asset.

PRSA GA President Mike Neumeier (Arketi Group) presented Becky Peterson (Haystack Group) with the monthly Chapter Champion award. Seen in attendance were Mike Manning (MS&L), Kelly Neumeier (MMP) and Neal Wells (BusinessWire).

Other attendees spotted in the crowd were seen utilizing Twitter to keep colleagues not in attendance posted on the luncheon. Using the PRSA GA designated hashtags #PRSAgaSM and #prsaGA, the twitterer's amassed nearly five pages of "tweets" from the event.

For more information about PRSA GA and the October luncheon, visit