Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Millennials Into User Generated Content

User generated content (UGC) is not just a fad, you know that. Now here are some new numbers that show both young and old are into UGC.

Deloitte's "2007 State of the Media Democracy" survey confirmed the growing popularity of user-generated content; Millennials (age 18-24) in the survey spend about equal amounts of time consuming user-generated content and commercially produced content online:

  • A large proportion of Millennials (58 percent) create personal content in a typical week, and an even greater proportion (71 percent) regularly consume it.
  • But user-generated content is not just for kids - there is a "trickle up" effect, and the older generations are creating and consuming personal content as well: over a third of Matures (current age 61-75) - 36 percent - report that they regularly consume user-generated content.

That said, almost 6 in 10 (58 percent) Millennials say they use magazines to find out what's cool in terms of clothes, cars and music, according to a study released earlier this year, writes MarketingCharts.

As reported in MarketingVOX.