Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thanks to Kennesaw State University!

Monday I visited with Kennesaw State University's PRSSA chapter - for those of you not in the know that's the Public Relations Student Society of America. We had a great discussion about Web 2.0.

Applause to the department for recognizing the growing importance of blogs, podcasts, RSS, Second Life and all other aspects of the 2.0 movement! KSU is developing classes focused on Web 2.0 which will undoubtedly transform students into tech-savvy practitioners. If your alma mater hasn't taken note of the ubiquity of Web interactivity get them on the phone today!

Thanks to Dr. Barbara Gainey for inviting me to speak with the students. And thanks to those who attended the session. Best of luck with the rest of the semester!!!!!

Click here for more info about KSU's communication department
Click here for more info about PRSSA