Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Last week the Internet saw the addition of hoards of information in the form of www.work.com. Simply put, the site has boat-loads of information that every business owner should know. Though areas of targeted to small business alone, a review of the site will find information all businesses, large and small, would benefit from.

For marketers the site provides information on a number of relevant topics. The how-to guides cover a variety of topics, including business-to-business marketing, public relations and strategic marketing, to name a few.

What’s really cool about this site is that you too can become a guru. Work.com members are permitted to write the very guides that are turned to by the masses. Are you an expert e-mail marketer? Do you have a penchant for podcasting? Have you wowed you clients with your writing? If you have the knowledge the share, you now have a venue.

Take a spin by work.com, you may find something you didn’t already know. What’s more, you may find you have something to share.