Saturday, May 27, 2006

Executives Not Quite Hot to Blog

This article on eMarketer is one that's B2B marketers should take note of...why? Well it seems that according the this survey Fortune 1000 executives don't understand the value of blogs. As marketing professionals we need to be keeping an eye out for "the next big thing" in the world of communications.

I have to say that blogging is likely one of those "big things" (or at least a medium thing) and we need to be educating corporate leaders about the value of blogs. Doing so will only continue to showcase savvy marketers as true counselors.


Blogosphere, smogosphere.

A recent poll conducted by Harris Interactive, and sponsored by Makovsky + Company, the "2006 State of Corporate Blogging" survey, found that Fortune 1000 business executives are reacting slowly to the idea of corporate blogs as a communications medium.

The study found that only a small minority of top executives are convinced that corporate blogging is growing in credibility either as a communications medium, brand-building technique or a sales or lead generation tool.