PR Pro's Peanut Party
The PRSA GA July luncheon was preceded by the PRSA GA Chapter "101," a New Member Orientation session (featured above). Members new to the Georgia Chapter of PRSA had a chance to listen to seasoned committee members provide insight and tips on how to stay involved in the chapter and aspire to leadership positions with the organization.

Moderated by Leslie Wagner, executive director of the Peanut Advisory Board, panelists provided insight into the approach and strategies implemented in handling the January salmonella outbreak, prompting the largest food recall in U.S. history. Archer detailed the importance of having a crisis communications plan in place while Koehler (pictured right) emphasized the significance of having a unified voice
when executing crisis communications. Lastly, both panelists agreed that social media served as an effective tool in extending their communications during the crisis.

PRSA GA President Mike Neumeier (Arketi Group) presented Jessica Riley (Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc.) with the monthly Chapter Champion award. Spotted in the crowd was Ray Crockett, APR (Coca Cola), Kirk Englehardt (Georgia Tech Research Institute), Stephen Loudermilk (Alcatel-Lucent) and Barkley Russell (The Barkley Russell Agency).
For more information about PRSA GA and the August luncheon, click here.
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